commit 3eda915b4d0b0d954fbda96090f6fe4111156c35
parent ddd7a4172a0951867615c535e76c380d8e464f8a
Author: Chris Bracken <>
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2020 21:28:41 -0700
Add FreeBSD install walkthrough
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1 file changed, 501 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+FreeBSD new install instructions
+Install from USB stick
+From USB stick, install:
+1. Keyboard layout: USA (Caps Lock acts as Left Ctrl).
+2. Set hostname
+3. Install `ports`.
+4. Auto disk partition. Entire disk. GPT.
+5. Network. No IPv4, IPv6.
+6. Set clock to UTC.
+7. Enable `sshd`, `ntpd`, `powerd`, `dumpdev`.
+8. Clean `/tmp` on startup.
+9. Add user with `wheel` additional group.
+Log in as root:
+1. In `/boot/loader.conf`, add:
+ ```
+ if_iwm_load="YES"
+ iwm8265fw_load="YES"
+ ```
+2. To configure wired ethernet in `/etc/rc.conf`, add:
+ ```
+ # SYNCDHCP forces startup to wait for dhclient to return, DHCP does not.
+ ifconfig_em0="SYNCDHCP"
+ ```
+3. To configure WiFi in `/etc/rc.conf`, add:
+ ```
+ wlans_iwm0="wlan0"
+ ifconfig_wlan0="WPA DHCP"
+ ```
+4. In `/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf`, add an entry:
+ ```
+ network={
+ ssid="my_ssid_name"
+ psk="my_password"
+ }
+ ```
+5. Run: `chmod go-rwx /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf`
+6. Edit `/etc/hosts` to fix the domain name and host:
+ ```
+ ::1 localhost myhost
+ localhost myhost
+ ```
+7. Reboot by running: `reboot`
+If required, dynamically load the iwm8265 intel Wifi driver:
+ kldload if_iwm
+Log in as root:
+1. Get the Wifi MAC address `ifconfig wlan0`.
+2. In the router, manually assign a fixed IP address.
+Configure sendmail:
+1. Edit `/etc/mail/aliases`. Set aliases for `root`, `manager`, and `dumper`.
+2. Run `newaliases` to update the aliases database.
+3. See for details.
+Install general packages:
+1. `pkg update -f`
+2. Install sudo: `pkg install sudo`
+3. Edit /usr/local/etc/sudoers. Uncomment the line: `%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL`
+4. Install zsh: `pkg install zsh`
+5. Install vim: `pkg install vim-console`
+6. Install git: `pkg install git` (agree to install all)
+Install developer packages:
+1. Install tig: `pkg install tig`
+2. Install go: `pkg install go`
+3. Install nasm: `pkg install nasm`
+Log in as user:
+1. `chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh`
+2. `exit`
+Log in as user again:
+1. `ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C " (hostname)"`
+Setting the keyboard layout
+The console keyboard layout can be temporarily changed using the `kbdcontrol` command:
+ kbdcontrol -l us.dvorak
+It can be permanently set by adding a line to `/etc/rc.conf`:
+ keymap=us.dvorak
+For US keyboard layout with Caps Lock as Control, use `us.ctrl` for a Japanese
+keyboard with Caps Lock as Control, use `jp.capsctrl`. You can find all layouts
+in the `/usr/share/vt/keymaps` directory.
+In XWindows, the keyboard can be set using `setxkbmap`:
+ setxkbmap dvorak
+It can be permanently set by adding the above line to `.xinitrc`.
+To map Caps Lock into a control key:
+ setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps
+Setting console font
+To list available fonts, run `vidfont`, an ncurses-based program that sets the
+font to something legible when running. When it exits, it'll dump the selected
+font name.
+To set the font from a script, run:
+ vidcontrol -f FONTNAME
+where `FONTNAME` is the name dumped by vidfont.
+To permanently set the console font, edit `/etc/rc.conf`:
+ allscreens_flags="-f FONTNAME"
+I find `terminus-b32` to be the most legible on a small screen. On a large
+screen, `vgarom-8x14` or `vgarom-8x16` might be better.
+A couple reference articles relating to framebuffer console fonts:
+* [General](
+* [Japanese](
+* [Japanese](
+Using a serial cable
+FreeBSD includes built-in support for various UART serial cables including the
+Prolific PL-2303 and FTDI cables. Connecting the cable will create three
+character devices named `ttyUN`, `ttyUN.init`, and `ttyUN.lock` in the dev
+* `ttyUN` is the serial device.
+* `ttyUN.init` is an initialisation device used to initialise communication
+ port parameters each time a port is opened, such as `crtscts` for modems
+ which use `RTS/CTS` signalling for flow control.
+* `ttyUN.lock` is used to lock flags on ports to prevent users or programs from
+ changing certain parameters. See the man pages for `termios`, `sio`, and
+ `stty` for information on terminal settings, locking and initialising
+ devices, and setting terminal options, respectively.
+More info on serial port configuration can be found in the FreeBSD Handbook:
+* [25.2 USB Virtual Serial Ports](
+* [26.2 Serial Terminology and Hardware](
+To connect to the serial line, use the `cu` command:
+ cu -l /dev/ttyU0 -s 115200
+To disconnect the serial session, type `~.` from within `cu`.
+Installing on a new machine
+### Configure machine
+1. When adding the first user, when prompted for additional groups in addition
+ to their own group add them to `wheel`.
+1. Set domain-qualified hostname in `/etc/rc.conf`.
+1. Update `/etc/hosts` to use domain name. Add raw hostname and
+ domain-qualified hostname after localhost entries.
+1. Set the console font in `/etc/rc.conf` (see section above).
+### Install packages
+1. Run `pkg install sudo` to install sudo.
+1. Run `pkg install vim-console` to install vim.
+1. Run `pkg install zsh` to install zsh.
+1. Run `pkg install tmux` to install tmux.
+1. Run `pkg install git` to install git.
+1. Run `pkg install tig` to install tig (interactive git tool).
+1. Run `pkg install w3m` to install w3m browser.
+1. Run `pkg install mutt` to install mutt email client.
+1. Run `pkg install notmuch` to install notmuch email indexer.
+1. Run `pkg install isync` to install email syncing.
+1. Run `pkg install msmtp` to install an SMTP plugin mutt can use.
+### Set up sudo
+1. Edit `/usr/local/sudoers` and uncomment the following line to enable sudo
+ access for members of the `wheel` group:
+ ```
+ %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
+ ```
+1. Disable direct root login by editing the passwd file using the `vipw`
+ command. Find the row starting with `root:` and replace the hashed password
+ between the first and second colons on that line with `*`. The line should
+ look something like:
+ ```
+ root:*:0:0::0:0:Charlie &:/root:/bin/csh
+ ```
+1. Type `:wq` to save and exit.
+### Local email setup
+By default, sendmail operates localhost only. If you disable it, you'll need to
+enable an alternative mail handler since the system assumes mail is available.
+Given that we generally want to disable root login on all hosts, it's useful to
+forward root's mail to a local user. To do so:
+1. Edit `/etc/mail/aliases`. Forward root's mail to a local user (e.g. `chris`)
+ or a domain-qualified email address such as ``.
+2. Run `sudo newaliases` to rebuild the random-access database populated from
+ `/etc/mail/aliases`. This is exactly the same as `sudo sendmail -bi`.
+### Configure sshd
+1. Edit `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` and uncomment:
+ ```
+ PasswordAuthentication no
+ ```
+ then change `no` to `yes`.
+1. Edit `/etc/rc.conf` to add:
+ ```
+ sshd_enable="YES"
+ ```
+1. Start the sshd server:
+ ```
+ sudo service sshd start
+ ```
+1. Connect to the host via ssh from another machine:
+ ```
+ ssh myhost
+ ```
+1. Copy your existing public key into `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` on the new
+ machine -- e.g. on the new host: `cat > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys`. Then paste
+ the public key you want to use to log in, and type ctrl-d to save. You can
+ find your public key in `~/.ssh/` on the existing host you want to
+ connect from.
+1. Edit `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` to disable password-based authentication, and
+ allow only key-based authentication by commenting out the
+ `PasswordAuthentication yes` line.
+1. Restart the sshd server to pick up the config change.
+ ```
+ sudo service sshd restart
+ ```
+### Configure XWindows
+To install XWindows with the i3 window manager and compton compositor:
+ sudo install xorg
+ sudo install i3 i3status i3lock dmenu compton
+ sudo install rxvt-unicode
+Add the following line to `/etc/rc.conf`:
+ dbus_enable="YES"
+Add yourself to the `video` group:
+ pw groupmod video -m $USER
+Install DRM kernel module:
+ sudo pkg install drm-fbsd12.0-kmod
+Then set it to load at boot time by adding the following line to `/etc/rc.conf`:
+ kld_list="/boot/modules/i915kms.ko"
+In some instances, this seems to result in a kernel panic. If that happens,
+install DRM from the `graphics/drm-kmod` port in the ports tree.
+For web browser support:
+ sudo pkg install webfonts
+ sudo pkg install firefox
+ sudo pkg install noto-basic
+ sudo pkg install noto-jp
+ sudo pkg install takao
+Then refresh the font cache:
+ fc-cache -f
+Reboot the system and attempt to run `startx`.
+### Japanese input on the virtual console
+Download Japanese fonts:
+ fetch
+ fetch
+ fetch
+ fetch
+Copy the fonts to a local font directory:
+ sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/fonts/vt
+ cp *.fnt /usr/local/share/fonts/vt
+You can convert BDF or HEX fonts to console `.fnt` files using the `vtfontcvt`
+command. See the `vtfontcvt` man page for details.
+Use the mechanism described (`vidfont` and `vidcontrol`) elsewhere in this
+document to set the font.
+### Japanese input in XWindows
+Setting Japanese keyboard layout with caps-lock as control:
+ setxkbmap jp
+ setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps
+Installing mozc IME:
+ sudo install ja-fcitx-mozc zh-fcitx-configtool
+In `~/.xinitrc`, before launching i3, add:
+ # Use fcitx for Japanese IME.
+ export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
+ export QT_IM_MODULE=xim
+ export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx
+ # Start mozc engine and fcitx IME.
+ /usr/local/bin/mozc start
+ fcitx -r -d
+Configure fcitx by running `fcitx-configtool`. Using the *Available input
+method* pane, add *Keyboard - Japanese* and *Mozc*. Remove US keyboard if
+present (unless you're using a US keyboard). In the *Global Config* section,
+change the *Trigger input method* setting by clicking the button, then pressing
+the hankaku/zenkaku key. On a US keyboard, the useless bottom right 'menu' key
+works well too.
+Editing kernel sources
+When editing kernel sources in vim, the indentation settings should be:
+ set autoindent " Copy indent from current line when starting a new line
+ set smartindent " Attempt to autoindent when starting a new line
+ set smarttab " Use shiftwidth rather than tabstop at start of line
+ set tabstop=8 " Number of spaces a tab counts for
+ set shiftwidth=4 " Number of spaces for each step of autoindent
+ set softtabstop=4 " Number of spaces a tab counts for when editing
+ set noexpandtab " Use tabs rather than spaces
+### ssh-add fails to run
+If, when running ssh-add, you get an error along the lines of
+ Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
+you likely need to start ssh-agent. You can do this via:
+ eval $(ssh agent -s)
+### Segfault on keyboard input in dmenu
+If you have the `XMODIFIERS` variable set but your IME isn't properly
+configured and running, you'll get a crash on keyboard input to dmenu.
+### Can't sudo or log in as root
+Imagine you delete the root password via `vipw` without actually editing the
+`/usr/local/etc/sudoers` file first, or that you did edit that file but that no
+user is in the `wheel` group. Time to boot to single-user mode. Reboot the
+machine and when prompted at the initial FreeBSD boot prompt, quickly select
+option `2` to boot to single-user mode.
+The root filesystem is mounted read-only by default, so first we'll need to
+remount the root filesystem as read-write:
+ /sbin/mount -o rw /
+Next, edit `/usr/local/etc/sudoers` or make whatever other changes are required
+to fix your mistakes. Finally, reboot.
+### Force renew DHCP lease
+DHCP leases are cached in /var/db/dhclient.leases.em0 (remplace `em0` with the
+interface name).
+To force renewal of DHCP lease:
+ sudo service dhclient restart em0
+To manually unbind/remove an IP address from an interface:
+ sudo ifconfig em0 remove 192.168.1.x
+### Force NTP time sync
+To force sync the time on the host:
+ sudo ntpdate -v -b
+### Intel NUC6i3SYK-specific issues
+#### SD card reader doesn't work
+Intel NUC6i3SYK devices give a repeating error on startup:
+ sdhci_pci0_slot0: Controller timeout
+and dumps registers. It seems like there's an issue with support for the NUC's
+SD card reader. After a couple minutes, eventually it gives up and continues.
+To eliminate the warning on startup, reboot and enter the BIOS by holding down
+F2, then disable the SD coard reader in the *Devices* section of the *Advanced*
+Alternatively, edit `/boot/loader.conf` to contain:
+ hw.sdhci.enable_msi=0
+If that doesn't work, edit `/boot/device.hints` to contain:
+ hint.sdhci_pci.0.disabled="1"
+#### Bluetooth doesn't work
+Mostly from notes in FreeBSD [Bugzilla issue
+The NUC's Intel 8260 bluetooth/wireless requires a custom firmware download.
+FreeBSD 12.0 doesn't ship with all the support needed for this chipset. Fixes
+were landed in July 2019, but will take time to get released.
+In the meantime, the firmware downloader can be found here:
+[]( Build the downloader:
+ git clone
+ cd iwmbt-firmake
+ make
+There's no need to install this, since it's a one-off tool to download and
+install the firmware. However, before you run it, you need to prevent FreeBSD
+from trying to auto-attach the device. Edit `/etc/devd.conf` and comment out
+the following lines, then power off and power back on the machine (a reboot is
+insufficient to clear the hardware state):
+ attach 100 {
+ device-name "ubt[0-9]+";
+ action "service bluetooth quietstart $device-name";
+ };
+Next, to download the firmware, we run:
+ sudo ./iwmbtfw
+This should get the download to happen, writing the firmware to
+`/usr/local/share/iwmbt-firmware/ibt-11-5.sfi`. You can then start the service
+ sudo service start bluetooth ubt0
+To list the attached bluetooth nodes, try:
+ sudo ngctl list
+It should display something like:
+ There are 6 total nodes:
+ Name: ubt0 Type: ubt ID: 00000007 Num hooks: 0
+ Name: ubt0hci Type: hci ID: 0000000? Num hooks: 0
+ Name: ubt012cap Type: 12cap ID: 0000000? Num hooks: 0
+ Name: btsock_hci_raw Type: btsock_hci_raw ID: 00000008 Num hooks: 0
+ Name: btsock_l2c_raw Type: btsock_l2c_raw ID: 00000009 Num hooks: 0
+ Name: btsock_l2c Type: btsock_l2c ID: 0000000a Num hooks: 0
+ Name: btsock_sco Type: btsock_sco ID: 0000000b Num hooks: 0
+ Name: ngctl1441 Type: socket ID: 00000019 Num hooks: 0
+I notice when I do it, I'm missing the `ubt0hci` and `ubt012cap` entries
+Once you're done, uncomment the section of `/dev/devd.conf` above and reboot.