.gitignore (1917B)
1 # Ignore compiled python. 2 *.pyc 3 4 # Ignore GTK 2.0 theme information. 5 .gtk-2.0 6 7 # Ignore gnupg with the exception of checked-in config. 8 .gnupg/ 9 10 # ======================================== 11 # .config 12 # ======================================== 13 14 # Ignore files that contain one or more of the following types of data: 15 # - machine-specific configuration. 16 # - local cached data that belongs in XDG_CACHE_HOME (e.g. last window size). 17 .config/Signal 18 .config/chromium 19 20 # gitk viewer (cached data). 21 .config/git/gitk 22 23 # Symlink to wire up additional git config for the local machine. 24 .config/git/local_config 25 26 # Linux/GTK look and feel (machine-specific). 27 .config/dconf 28 .config/glib-2.0 29 .config/gtk-3.0 30 .config/pulse 31 32 # IME-related (machine-specific, cached data). 33 .config/fcitx 34 .config/fcitx5/conf/cached_layouts 35 .config/ibus 36 .config/mozc 37 38 # Flutter SDK (machine-specific). 39 .config/flutter 40 .config/tool_state 41 .config/settings 42 43 # iTerm. 44 .config/iterm2/AppSupport 45 46 # nvim. 47 .config/nvim/.netrwhist 48 .config/nvim/lazy-lock.json 49 .config/nvim/*.spl 50 .config/nvim/*.sug 51 52 # zsh cached data. 53 .config/zsh/.zcompdump 54 .config/zsh/.zcompdumps/ 55 .config/zsh/.zsh_history 56 .config/zsh/.zsh_sessions/ 57 58 # Badly-behaved apps. 59 .config/sublime-text/Packages/User/Package Control.last-run 60 .config/sublime-text/Packages/User/Package Control.ca-list 61 .config/sublime-text/Packages/User/Package Control.ca-bundle 62 .config/sublime-text/Packages/User/Package Control.system-ca-bundle 63 .config/sublime-text/Packages/User/Package Control.cache/ 64 .config/sublime-text/Packages/User/Package Control.ca-certs/ 65 .config/phetch/ 66 .config/zed/prompts/ 67 68 # Swift package manager. 69 .config/swiftpm 70 71 # Work stuff. 72 .config/chrome_infra/ 73 .config/gbackup/ 74 .config/gcloud/ 75 76 # ======================================== 77 # .local 78 # ======================================== 79 80 # Ignore .local dir other than .local/bin and what's manually checked in. 81 .local/* 82 .local/!bin/ 83 .local/bin/gn