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.lynxrc (14382B)

      1 # Lynx User Defaults File
      2 # 
      3 # This file contains options saved from the Lynx Options Screen (normally
      4 # with the 'o' key).  To save options with that screen, you must select the
      5 # checkbox:
      6 #	Save options to disk
      7 #
      8 # You must then save the settings using the link on the line above the
      9 # checkbox:
     10 #	Accept Changes
     11 #
     12 # You may also use the command-line option "-forms_options", which displays
     13 # the simpler Options Menu instead.  Save options with that using the '>' key.
     14 # 
     15 # There is normally no need to edit this file manually, since the defaults
     16 # here can be controlled from the Options Screen, and the next time options
     17 # are saved from the Options Screen this file will be completely rewritten.
     18 # You have been warned...
     19 # 
     20 # If you are looking for the general configuration file - it is normally
     21 # called "lynx.cfg".  It has different content and a different format.
     22 # It is not this file.
     24 # accept_all_cookies allows the user to tell Lynx to automatically
     25 # accept all cookies if desired.  The default is "FALSE" which will
     26 # prompt for each cookie.  Set accept_all_cookies to "TRUE" to accept
     27 # all cookies.
     28 accept_all_cookies=off
     30 # anonftp_password allows the user to tell Lynx to use the personal
     31 # email address as the password for anonymous ftp.  If no value is given,
     32 # Lynx will use the personal email address.  Set anonftp_password
     33 # to a different value if you choose.
     34 anonftp_password=
     36 # bookmark_file specifies the name and location of the default bookmark
     37 # file into which the user can paste links for easy access at a later
     38 # date.
     39 bookmark_file=lynx_bookmarks.html
     41 # If case_sensitive_searching is "on" then when the user invokes a search
     42 # using the 's' or '/' keys, the search performed will be case sensitive
     43 # instead of case INsensitive.  The default is usually "off".
     44 case_sensitive_searching=off
     46 # The character_set definition controls the representation of 8 bit
     47 # characters for your terminal.  If 8 bit characters do not show up
     48 # correctly on your screen you may try changing to a different 8 bit
     49 # set or using the 7 bit character approximations.
     50 # Current valid characters sets are:
     51 #    Western (ISO-8859-1)
     52 #    7 bit approximations (US-ASCII)
     53 #    Western (ISO-8859-15)
     54 #    Western (cp850)
     55 #    Western (windows-1252)
     56 #    IBM PC US codepage (cp437)
     57 #    DEC Multinational
     58 #    Macintosh (8 bit)
     59 #    NeXT character set
     60 #    HP Roman8
     61 #    Chinese
     62 #    Japanese (EUC-JP)
     63 #    Japanese (Shift_JIS)
     64 #    Korean
     65 #    Taipei (Big5)
     66 #    Vietnamese (VISCII)
     67 #    Transparent
     68 #    Eastern European (ISO-8859-2)
     69 #    Eastern European (cp852)
     70 #    Eastern European (windows-1250)
     71 #    Latin 3 (ISO-8859-3)
     72 #    Latin 4 (ISO-8859-4)
     73 #    Baltic Rim (ISO-8859-13)
     74 #    Baltic Rim (cp775)
     75 #    Baltic Rim (windows-1257)
     76 #    Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)
     77 #    Cyrillic (cp866)
     78 #    Cyrillic (windows-1251)
     79 #    Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
     80 #    Arabic (ISO-8859-6)
     81 #    Arabic (cp864)
     82 #    Arabic (windows-1256)
     83 #    Celtic (ISO-8859-14)
     84 #    Greek (ISO-8859-7)
     85 #    Greek (cp737)
     86 #    Greek2 (cp869)
     87 #    Greek (windows-1253)
     88 #    Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)
     89 #    Hebrew (cp862)
     90 #    Hebrew (windows-1255)
     91 #    Turkish (ISO-8859-9)
     92 #    Turkish (cp857)
     93 #    North European (ISO-8859-10)
     94 #    UNICODE (UTF-8)
     95 #    RFC 1345 w/o Intro
     96 #    RFC 1345 Mnemonic
     97 #    Ukrainian Cyrillic (cp866u)
     98 #    Ukrainian Cyrillic (KOI8-U)
     99 #    Cyrillic-Asian (PT154)
    100 character_set=UNICODE (UTF-8)
    102 # cookie_accept_domains and cookie_reject_domains are comma-delimited
    103 # lists of domains from which Lynx should automatically accept or reject
    104 # all cookies.  If a domain is specified in both options, rejection will
    105 # take precedence.  The accept_all_cookies parameter will override any
    106 # settings made here.
    107 cookie_accept_domains=
    109 # cookie_file specifies the file from which to read persistent cookies.
    110 # The default is ~/.lynx_cookies.
    111 cookie_file=
    113 # cookie_loose_invalid_domains, cookie_strict_invalid_domains, and
    114 # cookie_query_invalid_domains are comma-delimited lists of which domains
    115 # should be subjected to varying degrees of validity checking.  If a
    116 # domain is set to strict checking, strict conformance to RFC2109 will
    117 # be applied.  A domain with loose checking will be allowed to set cookies
    118 # with an invalid path or domain attribute.  All domains will default to
    119 # querying the user for an invalid path or domain.
    120 cookie_loose_invalid_domains=
    122 cookie_query_invalid_domains=
    124 cookie_reject_domains=
    126 cookie_strict_invalid_domains=
    128 # dir_list_order specifies the directory list order under DIRED_SUPPORT
    129 # (if implemented).  The default is "ORDER_BY_NAME"
    130 dir_list_order=ORDER_BY_NAME
    132 # dir_list_styles specifies the directory list style under DIRED_SUPPORT
    133 # (if implemented).  The default is "MIXED_STYLE", which sorts both
    134 # files and directories together.  "FILES_FIRST" lists files first and
    135 # "DIRECTORIES_FIRST" lists directories first.
    136 dir_list_style=MIXED_STYLE
    138 # If emacs_keys is to "on" then the normal EMACS movement keys:
    139 #   ^N = down    ^P = up
    140 #   ^B = left    ^F = right
    141 # will be enabled.
    142 emacs_keys=off
    144 # file_editor specifies the editor to be invoked when editing local files
    145 # or sending mail.  If no editor is specified, then file editing is disabled
    146 # unless it is activated from the command line, and the built-in line editor
    147 # will be used for sending mail.
    148 file_editor=nvim
    150 # The file_sorting_method specifies which value to sort on when viewing
    151 # file lists such as FTP directories.  The options are:
    152 #    BY_FILENAME -- sorts on the name of the file
    153 #    BY_TYPE     -- sorts on the type of the file
    154 #    BY_SIZE     -- sorts on the size of the file
    155 #    BY_DATE     -- sorts on the date of the file
    156 file_sorting_method=BY_FILENAME
    158 # If keypad_mode is set to "NUMBERS_AS_ARROWS", then the numbers on
    159 # your keypad when the numlock is on will act as arrow keys:
    160 #             8 = Up Arrow
    161 #   4 = Left Arrow    6 = Right Arrow
    162 #             2 = Down Arrow
    163 # and the corresponding keyboard numbers will act as arrow keys,
    164 # regardless of whether numlock is on.
    165 # If keypad_mode is set to "LINKS_ARE_NUMBERED", then numbers will
    166 # appear next to each link and numbers are used to select links.
    167 # If keypad_mode is set to "LINKS_AND_FORM_FIELDS_ARE_NUMBERED", then
    168 # numbers will appear next to each link and visible form input field.
    169 # Numbers are used to select links, or to move the "current link" to a
    170 # form input field or button.  In addition, options in popup menus are
    171 # indexed so that the user may type an option number to select an option in
    172 # a popup menu, even if the option isn't visible on the screen.  Reference
    173 # lists and output from the list command also enumerate form inputs.
    174 # NOTE: Some fixed format documents may look disfigured when
    176 # enabled.
    177 keypad_mode=LINKS_ARE_NOT_NUMBERED
    179 # lineedit_mode specifies the key binding used for inputting strings in
    180 # prompts and forms.  If lineedit_mode is set to "Default Binding" then
    181 # the following control characters are used for moving and deleting:
    182 # 
    183 #              Prev  Next       Enter = Accept input
    184 #    Move char: <-    ->        ^G    = Cancel input
    185 #    Move word: ^P    ^N        ^U    = Erase line
    186 #  Delete char: ^H    ^R        ^A    = Beginning of line
    187 #  Delete word: ^B    ^F        ^E    = End of line
    188 # 
    189 # Current lineedit modes are:
    190 #    Default Binding
    191 #    Alternate Bindings
    192 #    Bash-like Bindings
    193 lineedit_mode=Default Binding
    195 # The following allow you to define sub-bookmark files and descriptions.
    196 # The format is multi_bookmark<capital_letter>=<filename>,<description>
    197 # Up to 26 bookmark files (for the English capital letters) are allowed.
    198 # We start with "multi_bookmarkB" since 'A' is the default (see above).
    199 multi_bookmarkB=
    200 multi_bookmarkC=
    201 multi_bookmarkD=
    202 multi_bookmarkE=
    203 multi_bookmarkF=
    204 multi_bookmarkG=
    205 multi_bookmarkH=
    206 multi_bookmarkI=
    207 multi_bookmarkJ=
    208 multi_bookmarkK=
    209 multi_bookmarkL=
    210 multi_bookmarkM=
    211 multi_bookmarkN=
    212 multi_bookmarkO=
    213 multi_bookmarkP=
    214 multi_bookmarkQ=
    215 multi_bookmarkR=
    216 multi_bookmarkS=
    217 multi_bookmarkT=
    218 multi_bookmarkU=
    219 multi_bookmarkV=
    220 multi_bookmarkW=
    221 multi_bookmarkX=
    222 multi_bookmarkY=
    223 multi_bookmarkZ=
    225 # personal_mail_address specifies your personal mail address.  The
    226 # address will be sent during HTTP file transfers for authorization and
    227 # logging purposes, and for mailed comments.
    228 # If you do not want this information given out, set the NO_FROM_HEADER
    229 # to TRUE in lynx.cfg, or use the -nofrom command line switch.  You also
    230 # could leave this field blank, but then you won't have it included in
    231 # your mailed comments.
    232 personal_mail_address=
    234 # personal_mail_name specifies your personal name, for mail.  The
    235 # name is sent for mailed comments.  Lynx will prompt for this,
    236 # showing the configured value as a default when sending mail.
    237 # This is not necessarily the same as a name provided as part of the
    238 # personal_mail_address.
    239 # Lynx does not save your changes to that default value as a side-effect
    240 # of sending email.  To update the default value, you must use the options
    241 # menu, or modify this file directly.
    242 personal_mail_name=
    244 # preferred_charset specifies the character set in MIME notation (e.g.,
    245 # ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-5) which Lynx will indicate you prefer in requests
    246 # to http servers using an Accept-Charset header.  The value should NOT
    247 # include ISO-8859-1 or US-ASCII, since those values are always assumed
    248 # by default.  May be a comma-separated list.
    249 # If a file in that character set is available, the server will send it.
    250 # If no Accept-Charset header is present, the default is that any
    251 # character set is acceptable.  If an Accept-Charset header is present,
    252 # and if the server cannot send a response which is acceptable
    253 # according to the Accept-Charset header, then the server SHOULD send
    254 # an error response, though the sending of an unacceptable response
    255 # is also allowed.
    256 preferred_charset=
    258 # preferred_language specifies the language in MIME notation (e.g., en,
    259 # fr, may be a comma-separated list in decreasing preference)
    260 # which Lynx will indicate you prefer in requests to http servers.
    261 # If a file in that language is available, the server will send it.
    262 # Otherwise, the server will send the file in its default language.
    263 preferred_language=en,fr,ja
    265 # select_popups specifies whether the OPTIONs in a SELECT block which
    266 # lacks a MULTIPLE attribute are presented as a vertical list of radio
    267 # buttons or via a popup menu.  Note that if the MULTIPLE attribute is
    268 # present in the SELECT start tag, Lynx always will create a vertical list
    269 # of checkboxes for the OPTIONs.  A value of "on" will set popup menus
    270 # as the default while a value of "off" will set use of radio boxes.
    271 # The default can be overridden via the -popup command line toggle.
    272 select_popups=on
    274 # show_color specifies how to set the color mode at startup.  A value of
    275 # "never" will force color mode off (treat the terminal as monochrome)
    276 # at startup even if the terminal appears to be color capable.  A value of
    277 # "always" will force color mode on even if the terminal appears to be
    278 # monochrome, if this is supported by the library used to build lynx.
    279 # A value of "default" will yield the behavior of assuming
    280 # a monochrome terminal unless color capability is inferred at startup
    281 # based on the terminal type, or the -color command line switch is used, or
    282 # the COLORTERM environment variable is set.  The default behavior always is
    283 # used in anonymous accounts or if the "option_save" restriction is set.
    284 # The effect of the saved value can be overridden via
    285 # the -color and -nocolor command line switches.
    286 # The mode set at startup can be changed via the "show color" option in
    287 # the 'o'ptions menu.  If the option settings are saved, the "on" and
    288 # "off" "show color" settings will be treated as "default".
    289 show_color=default
    291 # show_cursor specifies whether to 'hide' the cursor to the right (and
    292 # bottom, if possible) of the screen, or to place it to the left of the
    293 # current link in documents, or current option in select popup windows.
    294 # Positioning the cursor to the left of the current link or option is
    295 # helpful for speech or braille interfaces, and when the terminal is
    296 # one which does not distinguish the current link based on highlighting
    297 # or color.  A value of "on" will set positioning to the left as the
    298 # default while a value of "off" will set 'hiding' of the cursor.
    299 # The default can be overridden via the -show_cursor command line toggle.
    300 show_cursor=off
    302 # show_dotfiles specifies that the directory listing should include
    303 # "hidden" (dot) files/directories.  If set "on", this will be
    304 # honored only if enabled via userdefs.h and/or lynx.cfg, and not
    305 # restricted via a command line switch.  If display of hidden files
    306 # is disabled, creation of such files via Lynx also is disabled.
    307 show_dotfiles=off
    309 # If sub_bookmarks is not turned "off", and multiple bookmarks have
    310 # been defined (see below), then all bookmark operations will first
    311 # prompt the user to select an active sub-bookmark file.  If the default
    312 # Lynx bookmark_file is defined (see above), it will be used as the
    313 # default selection.  When this option is set to "advanced", and the
    314 # user mode is advanced, the 'v'iew bookmark command will invoke a
    315 # statusline prompt instead of the menu seen in novice and intermediate
    316 # user modes.  When this option is set to "standard", the menu will be
    317 # presented regardless of user mode.
    318 sub_bookmarks=OFF
    320 # user_mode specifies the users level of knowledge with Lynx.  The
    321 # default is "NOVICE" which displays two extra lines of help at the
    322 # bottom of the screen to aid the user in learning the basic Lynx
    323 # commands.  Set user_mode to "INTERMEDIATE" to turn off the extra info.
    324 # Use "ADVANCED" to see the URL of the currently selected link at the
    325 # bottom of the screen.
    326 user_mode=NOVICE
    328 # If verbose_images is "on", lynx will print the name of the image
    329 # source file in place of [INLINE], [LINK] or [IMAGE]
    330 # See also VERBOSE_IMAGES in lynx.cfg
    331 verbose_images=on
    333 # If vi_keys is set to "on", then the normal VI movement keys:
    334 #   j = down    k = up
    335 #   h = left    l = right
    336 # will be enabled.  These keys are only lower case.
    337 # Capital 'H', 'J' and 'K will still activate help, jump shortcuts,
    338 # and the keymap display, respectively.
    339 vi_keys=on
    341 # The visited_links setting controls how Lynx organizes the information
    342 # in the Visited Links Page.
    343 visited_links=LAST_REVERSED