
Various textfiles on technical topics
git clone https://git.bracken.jp/textfiles.git
Log | Files | Refs

DateCommit messageAuthorFiles+-
2024-05-11 16:27Add Bitreich scrum docChris Bracken1+59-0
2022-12-11 01:06PC Evolution: correct spelling and formattingChris Bracken1+815-802
2022-12-10 20:51PC Evolution: markdown versionChris Bracken2+6173-2040
2021-09-15 17:55Add Unplanned FreefallChris Bracken1+152-0
2021-08-19 02:19Add history of text editorsChris Bracken1+87-0
2021-08-18 21:00History of the evolution of the x86 platformChris Bracken1+2040-0
2020-04-30 16:59Add docs on ELF executablesChris Bracken2+3770-0