
Simple password manager using gpg and ordinary unix directories
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pass.applescript (3004B)

      1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      2 -- Applescript for easy invocation of 'pass'
      3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      4 --
      5 -- Author: Steffen Vogel <>
      6 -- Tested with: OS X 10.10 Yosemite
      7 --
      8 -- Installation:
      9 --
     10 --   1. Copy this script to /Library/Scripts/pass.applescript
     11 --
     12 --   2. Use the Automator to create a service which starts the following AppleScript:
     13 --
     14 --        on run {input, parameters}
     15 --	      run script POSIX file "/Library/Scripts/pass.applescript"
     16 --        end run
     17 --
     18 --   3. Install the application 'Notifications Scripting' from:
     19 --
     20 --
     21 --   4. Go to 'System Settings' -> 'Keyboard' to create a short cut for the service
     22 --       you created before
     23 --   
     24 --   5. Go to 'System settings' -> 'Notifications' -> choose 'Notifications Scripting' 
     25 --       -> and switch from 'Banners' to 'Alerts'
     26 --
     27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     29 -- Configuration
     30 property defPass : "root"
     31 property clearAfter : 45
     32 property shellPath : "/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
     34 -- Translation
     35 set lang to user locale of (get system info)
     36 if (lang = "de_DE") then
     37 	set nTitle to "Password-store"
     38 	set nPrompt to "Welches Password wird benštigt?"
     39 	set nClear to "Vergesse"
     40 else -- if (lang = "en")
     41 	set nTitle to "Password-store"
     42 	set nPrompt to "Which password do you want?"
     43 	set nClear to "Forget"
     44 end if
     46 try
     47 	set entity to the text returned of (display dialog nPrompt default answer defPass buttons {"OK"} with title nTitle default button 1)
     48 	set pw to do shell script "export PATH=" & shellPath & "; pass " & entity
     50 	set the clipboard to pw
     52 	-- Wait until clipboard changed then close notification
     53 	repeat with secsLeft from 0 to clearAfter
     54 		if pw is equal to (the clipboard) then
     55 			tell application "Notifications Scripting"
     56 				set event handlers script path to (path to me)
     57 				display notification nTitle id "pass" message "Password copied to clipboard (" & (clearAfter - secsLeft) & " secs left)" action button nClear with has action button
     58 			end tell
     59 			delay 1
     60 		else
     61 			exit repeat
     62 		end if
     63 	end repeat
     64 on error errMsg
     65 	display dialog errMsg with title nTitle with icon stop
     66 end try
     68 -- Clear clipboard
     69 set the clipboard to ""
     70 closeNotifications()
     72 -- Handle click to notification:
     73 using terms from application "Notifications Scripting"
     74 	on notification activated
     75 		set the clipboard to ""
     76 	end notification activated
     77 end using terms from
     79 -- Close all Notifications
     80 on closeNotifications()
     81 	tell application "System Events"
     82 		tell process "NotificationCenter"
     83 			set theWindows to every window
     84 			repeat with i from 1 to number of items in theWindows
     85 				set this_item to item i of theWindows
     86 				try
     87 					click button 1 of this_item
     88 				end try
     89 			end repeat
     90 		end tell
     91 	end tell
     92 end closeNotifications