
Minimal theme for Hugo
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footer.html (990B)

      1 <footer id="footer">
      2 <div class="copyright">
      3 {{- if .Site.Copyright }}
      4   {{- .Site.Copyright | safeHTML }}
      5 {{- else if .Site.Params.ccLicenseName }}
      6 <span xmlns:dct="" xmlns:cc="">
      7 The content of this site
      8 {{- if .Site.Params.ccAttributionName }} by
      9 {{- if .Site.Params.ccAttributionUrl }}
     10 <a rel="cc:attributionURL" href="{{ .Site.Params.ccAttributionUrl }}">
     11 {{- end -}}
     12 <span rel="cc:attributionName">{{ .Site.Params.ccAttributionName }}</span>
     13 {{- if .Site.Params.ccAttributionUrl }}</a>{{ end }}
     14 {{- end }}
     15 is
     16 {{ if .Site.Params.ccLicenseUrl -}}
     17 <a href="{{ .Site.Params.ccLicenseUrl }}">
     18 {{- end -}}
     19 {{ .Site.Params.ccLicenseName }}
     20 {{- if .Site.Params.ccLicenseUrl }}</a>{{ end }}.
     21 </span>
     22 {{- else -}}
     23 <p>&copy;&nbsp;
     24   {{- $current := now.Format "2006" }}
     25   {{- if ne .Site.Params.since $current }}{{ .Site.Params.since }}–{{ end }}
     26   {{- $current }}&nbsp;
     27   {{- | safeHTML }}.
     28 {{- end }}
     29 </div>
     30 </footer>