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     11       <title>Trinidad, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba</title>
     12       <link></link>
     13       <pubDate>Thu, 21 Mar 2002 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
     15       <guid></guid>
     16       <description>&lt;p&gt;Looking down on the ocean from the rolling hills a kilometre away, Trinidad is
     17 a small, traditional town whose population of 50,000 takes great pride in its
     18 home. Founded by Diego Velásquez in 1514, Trinidad became a stopover for
     19 explorers and trading ships travelling to and from México. During the 17th and
     20 18th centuries, its economy largely depended on trading contraband with
     21 pirates. The buildings are in incredibly good shape for their age, most of
     22 which are at least two centuries old. It’s not too tough to see why Trinidad is
     23 now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.&lt;/p&gt;
     24 &lt;figure&gt;&lt;img src=&#34;;
     25     alt=&#34;Street in Trinidad, Cuba&#34;&gt;
     26 &lt;/figure&gt;
     28 &lt;p&gt;Trinidad is about five hours from Havana by bus, and as with everything in
     29 Cuba, there are two buses: one for Cubans, with a several hour long line-up,
     30 and one for people with dollars, with basically no wait at all. Upon pulling
     31 into Trinidad the bus was swarmed by masses of locals offering a room in a casa
     32 particular. We ended up being shown one house, but it had been freshly painted
     33 that afternoon and the fumes were pretty rough, so we set out wandering down
     34 the streets in the dark. By sheer chance, we ran into an old grandfather
     35 carrying a bucket and pushing his bike up the rickety cobblestone streets and
     36 when we asked him if he knew of any places to stay he said that in fact, we
     37 could stay at his house. This is how our planned two-night stay in Trinidad
     38 ended up turning into a week-long stay in paradise.&lt;/p&gt;
     39 &lt;p&gt;Roberto and Elda, their daughter Mercedes, her husband Eddy, and their
     40 11-year-old son Saúl made our stay in Trinidad one of the most relaxing visits
     41 we had to anywhere in our travels. We would have breakfast every morning in a
     42 little courtyard off to the side of the house, spend the mornings wandering the
     43 cobblestone streets in search of pizza, and the evenings falling asleep to the
     44 sound of Cuban salsas, merengues, and cha cha chas drifting through the window
     45 from La Casa de la Trova across the street.&lt;/p&gt;
     46 &lt;figure&gt;&lt;img src=&#34;;
     47     alt=&#34;Horse-drawn cart driven by man and boy in Trinidad street&#34;&gt;
     48 &lt;/figure&gt;
     50 &lt;p&gt;While most of the old town is centered around the main plaza, cathedral, and
     51 clock tower, most of the action seemed to center around the plaza in the newer
     52 part of town down the hill. Old men sitting on park benches sharing a bottle of
     53 rum, school children eating peso ice cream, and the occasional black market
     54 cigar salesman trying to pass off some cigars smuggled out of the local factory
     55 all milled about the plaza in the hot, sticky heat. A bunch of us sat on our
     56 park bench watching the old men on the bench across from us get progressively
     57 more drunk from their homebrew, before eventually falling asleep. One thing
     58 that anyone visiting Cuba can be assured of is eventually being offered a taste
     59 of homemade rum. My guess is that neither the recipe nor the distilling of this
     60 rum has changed much over the past few centuries, so you can be assured that
     61 your experience will be as blindingly nerve-wracking as that of the colonial
     62 sailors plying the waters of the Caribbean in the 1600s. Following the initial
     63 jolt of fermented cane sugar hitting your stomach like a rock is the slow
     64 nauseating feeling of vertigo creeping over your body; after that, a strange
     65 queasiness, and finally recovery and swearing it off for life&amp;hellip; or at least
     66 the next day.&lt;/p&gt;
     67 &lt;p&gt;A few days into our stay in Trinidad, as we walked down a dark street off the
     68 plaza, we heard music pouring out through a half-open gate. Peering inside we
     69 were greeted with the sight of thirty or so people packed into a small dirt
     70 courtyard, and a small band of grizzled 80-year-old men playing salsas on their
     71 guitars and trumpets. People had pulled up some old wooden benches and were
     72 serving mojitos made (I swear) straight rum, some sugar, and crushed mint. A
     73 woman named Blanquita invited us in, offered us some mojitos and yanked us up
     74 off the bench to teach us some salsa while chickens scuttled around our feet.
     75 It was probably my most vivid memory of Cuba.&lt;/p&gt;
     76 </description>
     77     </item>
     79     <item>
     80       <title>La Habana, Cuba</title>
     81       <link></link>
     82       <pubDate>Tue, 19 Mar 2002 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
     84       <guid></guid>
     85       <description>&lt;p&gt;Havana is a city of contradictions. It’s simultaneously one of the most
     86 beautiful and most run down cities in the world. It’s hard to imagine how
     87 things could be any worse, or any better given the Cuba’s political past and
     88 present.&lt;/p&gt;
     89 &lt;figure&gt;&lt;img src=&#34;;
     90     alt=&#34;Run-down street in Old Havana&#34;&gt;
     91 &lt;/figure&gt;
     93 &lt;p&gt;Havana, along with the rest of Cuba, is the way it is almost purely because of
     94 politics—some of the most complex politics on the planet. If you like history
     95 or politics, Cuba is for you.  Cuba’s troubled history begins long before the
     96 Cuban Missile Crisis, or even before the Revolution of 1959. Ever since
     97 Christopher Columbus set foot on the Isle of Cuba on October 29th, 1492, one
     98 nation or another has been fighting over the country. For over half a
     99 millennium now, politics have affected almost every aspect of life in Cuba.
    100 It’s amazing that despite all this, Cuban culture is felt worldwide through its
    101 music, dance, and artistry.&lt;/p&gt;
    102 &lt;h3 id=&#34;fast-facts&#34;&gt;Fast Facts&lt;/h3&gt;
    103 &lt;p&gt;Before we get started, here are a few quick facts to clear up a few common
    104 misconceptions about Cuba:&lt;/p&gt;
    105 &lt;ul&gt;
    106 &lt;li&gt;The US embargo was put in place on October 19th, 1960, two years before the
    107 Cuban Missile Crisis. It was the result of the US Eisenhower Administration’s
    108 plan to overthrow Castro. This was the result of Cuba nationalizing a lot of
    109 property sold to the US by Cuba’s former dictator, Fulgencio Batista. In
    110 1963, after the end of the Missile Crisis, the Kennedy Administration imposed
    111 a travel ban on US citizens, preventing them from visiting Cuba. Here’s an
    112 &lt;a href=&#34;;&gt;Economic Embargo Timeline&lt;/a&gt;, if you’re interested.&lt;/li&gt;
    113 &lt;li&gt;In 1959, a group of Cuban revolutionaries, including Fidel Castro and Che
    114 Guevara, led a popular uprising to overthrow Fulgencio Batista, the
    115 totalitarian dictator who led Cuba from 1934 to 1959. Under Batista, more
    116 than a third of the land in Cuba was sold off to US interests. In several
    117 cases, teachers who worked to alphabetize rural villages were tortured and
    118 killed by Batista’s private police force, for fear that a literate population
    119 of farmers would be more likely to favour local land ownership, and oppose
    120 the dictator. Cuba is now a communist country, and Castro is the elected head
    121 of state. Elections are supervised by international monitors. They work very
    122 differently from other western electoral systems, however, since there is
    123 only one party. Like Canadians, Cubans elect local representatives, who
    124 select a party leader. In practise, Castro has been re-elected President by
    125 party officials in every election since the Revolution.  Here’s some more
    126 information on &lt;a href=&#34;;&gt;elections in Cuba&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/li&gt;
    127 &lt;li&gt;Today, Cuba’s population is highly educated. The current literacy rate is
    128 approximately 97%—the same as Canada’s. Before the revolution, the overall
    129 literacy rate was 23.6%. Castro’s guerrilla manifesto of 1957 included an
    130 immediate literacy and education campaign, with the slogan &amp;lsquo;Revolution and
    131 Education are the same thing.&amp;rsquo;&lt;/li&gt;
    132 &lt;li&gt;It’s illegal to form a party other than the Communist Party, and people live
    133 under fairly strict supervision by the government compared to most western
    134 nations.  The movement of Cubans is restricted by the government. The
    135 Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs maintains a &lt;a href=&#34;;&gt;fact page&lt;/a&gt;
    136 on Cuba, as does &lt;a href=&#34;;&gt;the CIA&lt;/a&gt; in the United States.&lt;/li&gt;
    137 &lt;li&gt;Cuba’s media is not entirely restricted, and Cubans can tune in to Miami and
    138 Mexican radio stations. The national newspaper, Granma is published by the
    139 Communist Party and is &lt;a href=&#34;;&gt;available online&lt;/a&gt; in several languages.&lt;/li&gt;
    140 &lt;/ul&gt;
    141 &lt;p&gt;I was going to include a quick whirlwind tour of the history of Cuba here. I
    142 started on it, but by the time I got to the late 19th century it was already
    143 ten paragraphs long. Instead, if you want an excellent point-form history, have
    144 a look at &lt;a href=&#34;;&gt;A History of Cuba&lt;/a&gt;. If you want something more in
    145 depth, specifically focusing on US-Cuban relations, the multi-volume set &lt;em&gt;A
    146 History of Cuba and its relations with The United States&lt;/em&gt; by Philip S. Foner is
    147 excellent.&lt;/p&gt;
    148 &lt;figure&gt;&lt;img src=&#34;;
    149     alt=&#34;Crumbling doorway in Old Havana&#34;&gt;
    150 &lt;/figure&gt;
    152 &lt;h3 id=&#34;arrival-in-havana&#34;&gt;Arrival in Havana&lt;/h3&gt;
    153 &lt;p&gt;The flight to Cuba was probably the craziest flights I’ve ever experienced. We
    154 boarded the ancient, Soviet-built Cubana Yak-42 jet in Cancún and took our
    155 seats. The first thing we noticed as we sat down was that the safety
    156 instruction cards were printed in Russian. The second, and more alarming thing
    157 we noticed was that smoke was slowly filling the cabin. The flight attendants
    158 assured people that it was just steam, and that it was totally normal. By the
    159 time we landed in Cuba, The cabin was filled chest high and we couldn’t see our
    160 knees anymore. We got off the plane as quickly as possible, were packed into a
    161 rickety old East-German bus and carted off to immigration.  Once in Havana, we
    162 checked into Hotel Flamingo where we stayed for our first two days while we
    163 explored Havana. Across the street were a bunch of featureless, utilitarian,
    164 crumbling apartment buildings, which are apparently identical to the ones that
    165 were built across the Communist Block countries during the Soviet era. You’re
    166 surrounded on all sides by relics of the Soviet era: East German and Polish
    167 buses, Russian radios and record players, and tons of North Korean equipment.
    168 It’s fascinating to see a country that exists almost entirely apart from the
    169 US. When it comes to the States, it’s as though time stopped in 1959. The only
    170 Chevys and Buicks to be seen are 1950s models. All new cars are Ladas, Yugos,
    171 Polski Fiats, or Chinese and North Korean imports. Supposedly push-by shootings
    172 from Ladas aren’t as big a problem here as they are in Russia.&lt;/p&gt;
    173 &lt;p&gt;Old Havana La Habana Vieja is something amazing to see. Walking down the
    174 streets of Old Havana, you’re surrounded by some of the most incredible
    175 architecture you’ve ever witnessed. What’s even more incredible is that it’s
    176 crumbling all around you. Ornate gargoyles and balconies have decayed and
    177 collapsed with age; the paint is peeling, and everything is covered in a thick
    178 layer of dirt and grime. Broken windows are everywhere, and yet people continue
    179 to live in these buildings that elsewhere in the world would have long since
    180 been condemned.&lt;/p&gt;
    181 &lt;p&gt;Another thing not to be missed in Havana is sitting in the park in front of the
    182 Museo de la Revolución and eating freshly roasted peanuts out of a rolled up
    183 newspaper. For one peso, you can buy salted peanuts from street vendors, rolled
    184 up in an old copy of a page from &lt;em&gt;Granma&lt;/em&gt;, and sit back and watch kids play
    185 baseball in the street.&lt;/p&gt;
    186 &lt;p&gt;Baseball is everywhere in Cuba. You can’t turn around without seeing a game
    187 going on. Baseball equipment, on the other hand, is hard to come by. This
    188 doesn’t stop anyone from playing the game, however. A rock wrapped in rubber
    189 bands makes a pretty decent baseball, and we saw a lot of kids who could hit
    190 some amazing runs with a broom handle baseball bat. If you visit Cuba,
    191 something that’ll make any kid’s day is a baseball. Pencils and pens make nice
    192 gifts too.&lt;/p&gt;
    193 &lt;figure&gt;&lt;img src=&#34;;
    194     alt=&#34;Vintage American cars&#34;&gt;
    195 &lt;/figure&gt;
    197 &lt;h3 id=&#34;dollars-and-pesos&#34;&gt;Dollars and Pesos&lt;/h3&gt;
    198 &lt;p&gt;There are two things that everyone who visits Cuba should do. The first is to
    199 experience live Cuban music, which you can read about in the Trinidad section.
    200 The second is to convert some dollars to Cuban Pesos. Cuba has three official
    201 currencies: Cuban Pesos, US Dollars, and Cuban Convertible Pesos. The Cuban
    202 Convertible Peso was introduced to reduce the dependency on actual US dollars,
    203 but are worth exactly one dollar in Cuba, and exactly zero dollars off the
    204 island. Cuban Pesos are a soft currency, and as such, have no practical value
    205 as an exchangeable currency; however, exchanges do happen at wildly fluctuating
    206 rates. We got 26 pesos to the dollar.  Cuba has two economies that don’t
    207 overlap even remotely. Hard-currency stores charge US prices in US dollars and
    208 sell high-end items. Bottled water is about $1.00 a bottle, soap is $0.50 a
    209 bar, and meat and cheese are similar in price to what they would be in Canada
    210 or the US. However, Cubans are paid in pesos at a rate of about 200-400 pesos a
    211 month — about 8 to 16 dollars. That makes a bottle of water worth somewhere
    212 around 10% of your monthly paycheque. Try the math with your paycheque. Soft
    213 currency shops sell local goods, such as fruit and vegetables, for pesos.&lt;/p&gt;
    214 &lt;p&gt;The reason you should convert some money is that finding a place to spend your
    215 newly acquired pesos will force you to discover a whole part of Cuba you might
    216 otherwise never have seen. Cubans buy things in soft currency at markets or
    217 shops that sell in pesos. The items you can buy for pesos are universally
    218 locally produced items such as locally farmed foods, small pizzas baked on the
    219 street in oil drums converted to wood ovens, and some ice cream. A pizza, which
    220 is basically a piece of bread with a little tomato sauce, some oil, and bit of
    221 salt on it, sells for 3 pesos, which is about 12 cents US. The reason it’s so
    222 cheap is that peso goods are subsidised by the work you do for the state. Basic
    223 food staples such as beans and rice are part of your government supplied
    224 rations, and can be obtained with your ration card at certain shops. When you
    225 can find it, food sold on the street is usually in pesos. Food in paladares¹,
    226 hotels, and touristy places is almost universally in dollars.&lt;/p&gt;
    227 &lt;figure&gt;&lt;img src=&#34;;
    228     alt=&#34;Camelo bus&#34;&gt;
    229 &lt;/figure&gt;
    231 &lt;h3 id=&#34;the-rich-and-the-poor&#34;&gt;The Rich and the Poor&lt;/h3&gt;
    232 &lt;p&gt;The one thing that struck us immediately was the uniformity of income in Cuba.
    233 In México, there are two extremes: the extremely rich and the extremely poor.
    234 The middle class is tiny compared to Canada, where the middle class is the
    235 norm. In Cuba, almost everyone lives in something that is not exactly poverty,
    236 but at the same time they have basically no buying power. They have what the
    237 government gives them, and little else. The income difference between a street
    238 sweeper and a specialist doctor is about $7 a month vs. $15 a month. No matter
    239 how you cut it, the $8 difference doesn’t buy much. It’s hard to get imported
    240 goods no matter what, and what you can get is often on the black market.
    241 Although under communism employment is universal and housing is provided by the
    242 state, there are still people who turn to begging because it can be far more
    243 lucrative than work in a factory for $8 a month. As a result of the incredibly
    244 tiny incomes in Cuba, jineteros² have become more numerous, and will follow you
    245 wherever you go, trying to drag you to a restaurant or shop where you’ll spend
    246 your money. A lot of people on the street beg for soap or toothpaste when the
    247 police aren’t watching. One man told us he’d do anything, even get down on his
    248 knees and beg if it would make a difference.&lt;/p&gt;
    249 &lt;p&gt;Given all this, was the trip to Cuba worth it? Without a doubt. We met some
    250 absolutely wonderful people, and learned a ton about Cuban history and
    251 politics. The government isn’t the oppressive dictatorship many people would
    252 like to believe, and it’s certainly an improvement over Batista’s brutal
    253 dictatorship; however, things could certainly be a lot better than they are,
    254 and Castro isn’t exactly known for his spectacular record on civil liberties.
    255 The Cubans we met were friendly and welcoming, not to mention incredibly good
    256 dancers. When we ran into difficulty getting cash out of our Mexican bank
    257 accounts due to the embargo, one family we stayed with offered to reduce our
    258 room rate, and give us a cheap ride to the airport so we didn’t have to pay the
    259 taxi fare. Falling asleep to live Cuban music every night was worth the trip
    260 alone.&lt;/p&gt;
    261 &lt;h3 id=&#34;glossary&#34;&gt;Glossary&lt;/h3&gt;
    262 &lt;ol&gt;
    263 &lt;li&gt;&lt;em&gt;Paladar:&lt;/em&gt; a small independent restaurant. One of the allowed forms of
    264 capitalism in Cuba.&lt;/li&gt;
    265 &lt;li&gt;&lt;em&gt;Jinetero:&lt;/em&gt; Literally a &amp;lsquo;jockey.&amp;rsquo; Jineteros will approach you and offer to
    266 show you a restaurant or store. In exchange, the restaurant charges you
    267 extra for your meal and the jinetero gets to keep the surcharge.&lt;/li&gt;
    268 &lt;/ol&gt;
    269 </description>
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