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     35 <h2 class="post-title"><a href="">Code</a></h2>
     36 <p>You can find most of the public code I contribute to hosted at one of
     37 the following sites:</p>
     38 <ul>
     39 <li><a href=""></a>: My self-hosted git repos.</li>
     40 <li><a href="">GitHub</a>: The most popular source code
     41 hosting solution and where most of my public contributions lie.</li>
     42 <li><a href="">GitLab</a>: Better features and UI than
     43 GitHub.</li>
     44 </ul>
     45 <h2 id="significant-contributions">Significant contributions</h2>
     46 <ul>
     47 <li><a href="">Flutter</a>: portable,
     48 cross-platform app SDK and runtime. Most of my contributions focus on
     49 the portable C++ <a href="">runtime</a>, the
     50 platform-specific embedders, and tools.</li>
     51 <li><a href="">Dart SDK/VM</a>: the Dart programming
     52 language is a strongly-typed, object-oriented, garbage-collected
     53 language with C-like syntax. Compiles to either native code (either
     54 ahead-of-time or JITed in the VM) or JavaScript for the web.</li>
     55 <li><a href="">Dart Code Coverage</a>: LCOV
     56 support for code executed on the Dart VM.</li>
     57 <li><a href="">Fixnum</a>: a fixed-width 32- and
     58 64-bit integer library for Dart. Dart&rsquo;s int semantics vary between
     59 native platforms (64-bit) and the web (IEEE 53-bit mantissa). This
     60 library allows those with hard requirements on 64-bit values (e.g.
     61 database IDs) to write code that is portable to web targets.</li>
     62 <li><a href="">Quiver</a>: a set of utility
     63 libraries for Dart.</li>
     64 </ul>
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     70 <span xmlns:dct="" xmlns:cc="">
     71 The content of this site by
     72 <a rel="cc:attributionURL" href=""><span rel="cc:attributionName">Chris Bracken</span></a>
     73 is
     74 <a href="">CC BY 4.0</a>.
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