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     35 <h2 class="post-title"><a href="">PR#6</a></h2>
     36 06 June 2007
     37 <p>According to <a href="">Slashdot</a>, this month the <a href="">Apple
     38 II</a> turns 30. It was in production for 18 of those 30 years,
     39 which likely makes it the longest-selling personal computer of all time. It was
     40 the computer I wrote my first program on, and spent countless hours banging in
     41 and editing code from <em>Compute</em> magazine—including page after page of raw hex
     42 code when a program included graphics.</p>
     43 <p>In tribute, I ran a Google search on PR#6 to see what turned up. For those who
     44 don&rsquo;t know or don&rsquo;t remember, PR#6 was the command that kicked off the
     45 bootloader code for slot 6, the drive controller. The search turned up two
     46 relevant links: an <a href=";coll=ap">Apple TechTip</a> on a simple copy-protection scheme,
     47 and a fantastic <a href="">blog entry</a> that covers a bit about the Apple
     48 ][&rsquo;s boot process, which brings back a lot of memories of old Shugart drives,
     49 including the terrifying sound of a track 0 seek – a process wherein the drive
     50 head was moved across the disk very quickly until it physically couldn&rsquo;t go any
     51 further, resulting in a loud alarm-like buzz from the drive when it hit the
     52 limit of its reach.</p>
     53 <p>Anyway, in celebration of the Apple ][&rsquo;s 30th birthday, I recommend grabbing
     54 your nearest <a href="">emulator</a>, and banging in a <code>call -151</code> for old time&rsquo;s
     55 sake.</p>
     56 <figure><img src="/post/2007-06-06-happy_birthday.png"
     57     alt="AppleSoft BASIC program">
     58 </figure>
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