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     35 <h2 class="post-title"><a href="">Google Reader</a></h2>
     36 30 May 2007
     37 <p>For years, I&rsquo;ve been a fan of <a href="">Brent Simmons&rsquo;</a> OS X-based feed
     38 reader, <a href="">NetNewsWire</a>. It&rsquo;s a fantastic application, and I&rsquo;ve definitely
     39 got my money&rsquo;s worth out of it. After partnering with <a href="">NewsGator</a>, I
     40 started using their online feed-reader on and off, with mixed
     41 results. I like that it keeps my feeds in sync between my computers,
     42 and that I can browse articles at lunch, but the interface is still not on par
     43 with NetNewsWire itself.</p>
     44 <p>While NewsGator&rsquo;s implementation was lacking, I really did like the idea of
     45 dropping the desktop app altogether and going with a fully online solution, so
     46 I started exploring other options. The obvious free alternative is <a href="">Google
     47 Reader</a>, and I have to say, I&rsquo;m impressed. While the
     48 presentation isn&rsquo;t as customizable as NetNewsWire, the functionality that I use
     49 is all there, and in fact, it has some extra search features that I miss on the
     50 desktop. It was only when I launched NetNewsWire today and saw 290 unread
     51 items, that it hit me I hadn&rsquo;t used it in almost a month. So while I look
     52 forward to <a href="">NetNewsWire 3</a>, I&rsquo;m sticking to Google Reader for the time
     53 being.</p>
     54 <figure><img src="/post/2007-05-30-google-reader.png"
     55     alt="Google reader graph of usage by hour of day">
     56 </figure>
     58 <p>I also discovered that my prime news reading hours are apparently 6:30am to
     59 7:30am and 9pm to 11pm, with a strange local maximum straggling out around
     60 12:30am. I&rsquo;d be curious to compare this to <em>before</em> I had a baby that woke me
     61 up around that time.</p>
     62 <p><em>Update (2007-06-06):</em> NetNewsWire 3.0 is now out.</p>
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