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     35 <h2 class="post-title"><a href="">A Mystery Solved</a></h2>
     36 02 September 2006
     37 <p>One of my biggest complaints about Japan has always been the complete and utter
     38 lack of garbage bins in this city. There are none to be found.</p>
     39 <p>If you buy a (most likely seriously overpackaged) snack, you either have to
     40 carry all the wrapping and leftovers around with you until you get home, or
     41 toss it on the street. But the streets are impeccably clean here, which had led
     42 me to believe that like me, the other 12 million people out for a walk this
     43 afternoon, will be carrying their litter around in their backpacks and shopping
     44 bags.</p>
     45 <p>But it turns out this is not the case: an article in <a href="">Metropolis</a>
     46 unveils the answer to <a href="">The Big Tokyo Trash Mystery</a>.</p>
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