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     35 <h2 class="post-title"><a href="">Happy 139th Birthday!</a></h2>
     36 01 July 2006
     37 <p>Canadians in Tokyo got a head start on the Canada Day celebrations, kicking
     38 things off at 8:30 am with a pancake breakfast at the <a href="">Maple Leaf Bar &amp;
     39 Grill</a>, followed by a Canada Day barbeque at Yoyogi Park including
     40 hot dogs, yakitori, a massive Canadian Flag cake, and imported Canadian beer.
     41 By 6pm things, as started to wind down at the park, people started the long
     42 trek back to Shibuya and into the Maple Leaf, where it was standing room
     43 only.</p>
     44 <p>Some <a href="">pictures of the event</a>.</p>
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