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     35 <h2 class="post-title"><a href="">Look At All The Pretty Pictures!</a></h2>
     36 05 August 2005
     37 <p>So I moved my webpage and was all of a sudden faced with a deluge of emails
     38 from people who I never even knew read the thing. Among those emails was a
     39 request from my amigo Chaffee requesting more pictures. Seeing as I&rsquo;d always
     40 wanted to play with the <a href="">Flickr API</a>, I requested an API Key and
     41 started hacking away at some <a href="">PHP</a>. The end result is that on the left side
     42 of this page, you now get to see whatever happens to be the latest picture I&rsquo;ve
     43 taken on my mobile phone.</p>
     44 <p>The moment I take a picture with my cellphone, it gets emailed to the magical
     45 servers at <a href="">Flickr</a> and tagged with a title, some keywords, and a
     46 description. The next time someone loads this page, a small PHP script in the
     47 innards of this site makes a <a href="">SOAP</a> request to Flickr&rsquo;s servers and
     48 retrieves an <a href="">XML</a> response. This response is then parsed out and a URI to
     49 the thumbnail image on Flickr&rsquo;s servers is generated which is then inserted
     50 into this page. To improve performance a tiny bit, I avoid the overhead of the
     51 SOAP call every time this page is loaded by caching the response for five
     52 minutes and reading the cached XML if it&rsquo;s available.</p>
     53 <p>For those of you who are into <a href="">RSS</a>, I&rsquo;ve added a <a href="feed://;format=atom_03">Flickr
     54 feed</a> to my pictures in the HTML headers on this site.</p>
     55 <p>My goal—and this is entirely for you, Chaffee—is to take at least one
     56 picture a day, which is far more ambitious a schedule than my posting to this
     57 page. We&rsquo;ll see how that works out.</p>
     58 </article>
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     63 <span xmlns:dct="" xmlns:cc="">
     64 The content of this site by
     65 <a rel="cc:attributionURL" href=""><span rel="cc:attributionName">Chris Bracken</span></a>
     66 is
     67 <a href="">CC BY 4.0</a>.
     68 </span>
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