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     35 <h2 class="post-title"><a href="">桜吹雪</a></h2>
     36 09 April 2005
     37 <p>Last weekend, the temperature shot up to 23 degrees, and in the space of two
     38 days, the cherry blossom trees erupted into bloom. The Japanese take this
     39 opportunity to throw impromptu picnics, dinners, and random sake-drinking
     40 events under <a href="">sakura</a> trees all across the country.</p>
     41 <figure><img src="/post/2005-04-09-sakura.jpg"
     42     alt="Cherry blossoms near Naka-Meguro">
     43 </figure>
     45 <p>The street behind my building is lined with sakura for as far as you can walk,
     46 so it’s been packed with everyone in the neighbourhood until almost midnight
     47 every night this week. With the cherry blossoms falling like snow since this
     48 morning, the whole thing will be over with by early next week, so Yasuko and I
     49 plan to get in one last hana-mi event tomorrow evening before heading back to
     50 work on Monday.</p>
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