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     35 <h2 class="post-title"><a href="">Huh?</a></h2>
     36 29 March 2005
     37 <p>As I stared blankly out the window of the train on my morning commute,
     38 something caught my eye. As the train flew along its raised track, whizzing
     39 past the rooftops of Gakugei-daigaku at 80 km/h, I swear I saw a guy
     40 standing on the roof of a building alongside the track, dressed in a red cape
     41 and wearing a giant fish on his head, wailing away on a guitar.</p>
     42 <p>He was gone from my view before I was able to catch a second glance, though.</p>
     43 <p><em>Update (2008-03-20):</em> I’m glad he’s <a href="">not just a figment of my imagination</a>.</p>
     44 <figure><img src="/post/2005-03-29-gakugeidai.jpg"
     45     alt="Man with fish on head playing guitar">
     46 </figure>
     48 <p><em>Update (2011-04-27):</em> Found a <a href="">YouTube video</a>.</p>
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