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     35 <h2 class="post-title"><a href="">寒い!</a></h2>
     36 09 December 2004
     37 <p>With the last days of 2004 upon us, it appears the weather has taken a turn
     38 from the relative warmth of November and December to plummet sub-zero
     39 overnight. What started as a light flurry this morning has progressed to a
     40 full-out blizzard, and it’s still coming down like crazy as I write
     41 this.</p>
     42 <p>In unrelated news, I’m off to Kyoto for Oshogatsu from the 31st to the 3rd.
     43 This time, I swear I’ll post pictures!</p>
     44 <p>Hope everyone had a happy Christmas. See you in 2005!</p>
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