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     35 <h2 class="post-title"><a href="">Summer 2004 in Japan</a></h2>
     36 20 August 2004
     37 <p>I had originally planned my summer vacations for May, then July, and finally,
     38 in an effort to match my summer vacations with those of friends in Japan, ended
     39 up shuffling them back to August. Aside from the scorching heat, August is a
     40 fantastic time of year to visit. The heat this summer was more than a little
     41 bit scorching though, it was the hottest summer in ten years.</p>
     42 <p>It turned out, however, that I would have something more pressing than the
     43 weather to keep my mind busy though. In the middle of the night, somewhere over
     44 the Pacific ocean I woke up from my sleep in a cold sweat. My heart was
     45 pounding. The airplane cabin was surprisingly silent; everyone around me had
     46 dozed off to sleep and all that was left was the low drone of the jet engines
     47 and the gentle hiss of the air vents. Slowly, I reached for the back pocket of
     48 my backpack. My hands trembling, I unzipped it and slowly pulled it open. With
     49 a huge sigh of relief, I pulled out my wallet. I hadn’t forgotten it at home
     50 after all. Dropping it back in, I turned back toward the window and fell back
     51 asleep. It wasn&rsquo;t until the next day in Osaka, as I opened my wallet to pay for
     52 my hotel that I realised I’d forgotten my bank card at home.</p>
     53 <p>This would not have been a problem, except that in a flash of brilliance, I had
     54 decided to forgo the usual traveller’s cheques and use post office bank
     55 machines to withdraw from my accounts back home. This had worked fantastically
     56 last year and would save the hassle of cashing traveller’s cheques at a bank.
     57 Fortunately I had a credit card on me. Unfortunately, Canadian credit cards
     58 can’t be used to withdraw more than 20,000 yen a day, and then only at special
     59 Visa bank machines which tend to be incredibly hard to find. Or, as I would
     60 find out, impossible to find outside of Osaka or Tokyo. Fortunately I was able
     61 to get hold of Mum on the phone relatively quickly, and she FedEx’ed the card
     62 to Yasuko in Tokyo. By my math, I had just enough cash to buy Shinkansen
     63 tickets to Shizuoka, then Tokyo. All I had to do was ensure that I reserved a
     64 hotel in Shizuoka that accepted Canadian credit cards. No problem.</p>
     65 <p>I spent the first night in the Umeda ward of Osaka, mostly because it’s so
     66 close to Osaka station, and I was planning to catch the train first thing next
     67 morning out through Kyoto, then Otsu, to Imazu-cho to meet Annie. Aside from
     68 spending most of the next day in Osaka desperately seeking out Visa ATMs, I
     69 can’t say I had that bad a time. Well, the weather was alright anyway.</p>
     70 <p>Annie put me up for a few days in Imazu-cho, where I had the chance to meet up
     71 with some friends from last year, and do a little exploring of nearby bits of
     72 Shiga-ken. Caught the ferry out to Chikubushima, an island just 30 minutes out
     73 from shore into Lake Biwa. The amazing thing about Chikubushima is the temples
     74 and shrines you find in this remote location. The wood for the buildings did
     75 not come from the island itself, but was ferried out by hand hundreds of years
     76 ago. Chikubushima is one of several locations in Japan where the godess of
     77 artistic inclinations, Benzaiten, is worshipped. Benzaiten, or Benten as she is
     78 more often called, is the only female among the Shichifukujin¹ and is often
     79 depicted as a woman carrying a lute. As she is a river godess, temples and
     80 shrines dedicated to her often appear on lakes or near water.</p>
     81 <p>After a few days in Imazu, I decided to head to Shizuoka. The best way to get
     82 there was to catch local trains to Maibara station, on the other side of the
     83 lake, then take the Shinkansen from there to Shizuoka. As I was running a
     84 little late, I ended up sprinting through Imazu, suitcase in tow, to the train
     85 station. With 100m to go, I saw the train pull into the station, so I threw it
     86 into high gear. I quickly bought the 900 yen ticket from the ticket agent, who
     87 told me to run for track 3, and remember to change trains at Nagahama station.
     88 I sprinted up the stairs, and threw myself headlong through the train doors
     89 seconds before they closed. 20 minutes later, the train driver called Nagahama
     90 station over the crackly radio, and I hopped off. I was the only one. The train
     91 pulled away, and I was left standing on the train platform with nothing but the
     92 scorching heat and humidity, and the chirping of cicadas. It was then that I
     93 read the station name: Nagahara. I’d misheard the name. There would surely be
     94 another train in ten minutes though, so I staggered down the stairs and noticed
     95 the utter lack of automatic ticket gates.</p>
     96 <p>An old woman sat in the station-master’s booth. She looked up at me with a
     97 half-surprised, half-worried expression and asked me for my ticket. I handed it
     98 over. Noticing the apparent discrepancy in train fare she asked, “where are you
     99 headed?” I answered “Maibara.” She said, “that’s on the other side of the lake.
    100 You’re at Nagahara.” I said “I know. I’d meant to change at Nagahama…” at which
    101 point she started laughing. ”The next train’s in three hours.” Three hours. I
    102 asked when the next train to Oumi-Shiotsu station was. It was one station to
    103 the north, at the junction of two train lines, so there’d be a much better
    104 chance of catching an earlier train. She said ”That&rsquo;s the one. The next train
    105 anywhere is three hours from now. There’s a bus in two though. Or I could call
    106 a taxi, if that would help.” Maibara had to be at least 80km from here. No way
    107 I could afford a taxi. But I could probably get a taxi to Oumi-Shiotsu, which I
    108 did. And was laughed at some more over my mistake.</p>
    109 <p>Turned out I wasn’t the only one. When I arrived at Oumi-Shiotsu, I was greeted
    110 by three Japanese backpackers from Kyushu who’d apparently gotten off at
    111 Nagahara the day before, and decided to stay the night at a nearby hotspring
    112 and continue on to Maibara the next day. We sat for an hour, jumped on the
    113 train, and eventually arrived at Nagahama, changed trains, and completed the
    114 journey to Maibara. From there, it was the Kodama Shinkansen to Shizuoka.</p>
    115 <p>I crashed the night in Shizuoka, then spent the next day exploring town. I
    116 visited Sumpu-jou, a small castle in central Shizuoka, and Sumpu-jou Kouen, a
    117 nearby park where I was invited in to try a whole series of green teas.
    118 Shizuoka is famous for green tea, and as I had been the only foreigner that
    119 week, I was treated to a detailed history of tea cultivation in the area, an
    120 explanation of the many varieties and styles of green tea, and a pile of free
    121 desserts! They asked if I had some spare time, as they’d love to take me on a
    122 guided tour of the rest of the teahouse, and show me the private gardens in the
    123 back. It was pretty spectacular.</p>
    124 <p>After Sumpu-jou Kouen, I tried to find a bank machine that would allow me to do
    125 a cash advance on my credit card, but finally gave up while I still had my
    126 sanity. I bought a Shinkansen ticket for Tokyo with the plan to meet Setsuko at
    127 Tennodai station at 9pm.</p>
    128 <p>On the train, I met a professor with the Shimizu Univeristy Naval Engineering
    129 school, and we ended up chatting the entire way to Tokyo. He was originally
    130 from Kyoto, but had lived in Holland for years, and half-way through the
    131 conversation, I discovered that he also spoke flawless English. He was
    132 incredibly polite and put up with my fairly dodgy Japanese the entire way. It
    133 was pretty good practice for me, though we did switch to English as the
    134 conversation got into ship-building and a few other topics I knew nothing about
    135 in Japanese.</p>
    136 <p>In the end, I got to Ueno station a little bit early, stuffed my suitcase in a
    137 locker, and ended up exploring the park for a few hours. I ended up doing a
    138 huge survey on what I thought of Ueno Park, which was also great Japanese
    139 practice, and I got a free pen out of the deal, to boot. I also discovered a
    140 big festival going on at the far end of the park, near a temple that Yasuko and
    141 I had visited last year. I wandered past the booths selling onigiri² and
    142 kaki-kori³, listened to the music, took some pictures, and stopped by the
    143 temple for a bit. It sits in the middle of a large pond full of blossoming
    144 lotus flowers, and combined with the smell of incense wafting over the pond, it
    145 makes for a very peaceful experience.</p>
    146 <p>Eventually, I grabbed some onigiri and headed back to the train station to
    147 catch the next train for Tennodai, in Chiba. Got there just in time, sat down
    148 and waited on the platform for Setsuko, who arrived 5 minutes later. It was
    149 crazy to see her again on the other side of the world. We headed off to the
    150 supermarket, grabbed some food for dinner, and headed back to her apartment to
    151 eat.</p>
    152 <p>The next day, we did some shopping around Kashiwa station in Chiba, and I ended
    153 up ordering a hand-made traditional futon. They measured me, we selected
    154 fabrics and they said to come back in ten days to pick it up. Grabbed some
    155 chinese food for lunch and some snacks, and did a bit more shopping. Eventually
    156 we headed back, and I went to sleep. I remember being woken by an earthquake at
    157 about 2am, but falling back asleep before it was even over. I can’t stay awake
    158 for long on futons; they’re incredibly comfortable.</p>
    159 <p>Yasuko and I arranged to meet at Shinagawa station early the next morning under
    160 the big clock by the central ticket gates. It was great to see her again, and
    161 we immediately bolted off to drop my gear at the apartment in Shinagawa she’d
    162 rented and head out for lunch at an Italian place nearby. The rest of the week
    163 was spent eating some of the most amazing sushi, soba, French, and Italian food
    164 you can imagine, and checking out two huge fireworks festivals. Aside from all
    165 the eating, we also visited art galleries in Ueno park, and did a bit of
    166 shopping in Jiyuugaoka and Ginza. I got to visit Apple’s flagship Ginza store
    167 which is a noble goal for any true Mac fanatic. Well, technically I also needed
    168 a new AC adapter, since I’d accidentally destroyed mine earlier in the day.</p>
    169 <p>After a week in Tokyo, it was off on a business trip to Oita, on Kyushu. I’d
    170 never been to southern Japan before, and I was looking forward to meeting some
    171 of my Japanese counterparts for work after many email conversations. Not only
    172 did I get to visit a Japanese shipyard and see firsthand the incredible
    173 precision with which they manufacture their vessels, but I also got to visit a
    174 rural Japanese town, and meet Matsumoto-san and Kato-san, who treated me to
    175 some of the most memorable karaoke of my life. After the business trip to
    176 Nagasaki, we headed out for one last night together, with an amazing
    177 traditional Kyushu-style sashimi and sushi dinner, and karaoke until two in the
    178 morning.</p>
    179 <p>For my final day in Japan, I was scheduled to fly out of Oita airport, arriving
    180 at Tokyo Haneda airport at 12:15. At 5pm, my return flight to Canada departed
    181 Tokyo Narita airport. In the intervening 3 hours, the brilliant plan was to
    182 jump from train to train at breakneck pace and make it to Togoshi-ginza station
    183 to meet Yasuko for lunch, then jump straight back on the train and make it out
    184 to Narita just in time for my flight. I made every single train as the doors
    185 were closing. Literally, with under two seconds to spare every time&hellip; but we
    186 did have a fantastic Italian lunch, and make it to the airport with such
    187 impeccable timing that by the time I arrived at the gate, everyone had boarded
    188 but ten people. You can’t cut it much closer than that.</p>
    189 <p>Once again, one of the most memorable trips of my life. The best part is that
    190 I’ll be permanently moving back to Japan within a couple of months, so I’ll be
    191 even closer to all the places I’ve been looking forward to visiting. Thanks to
    192 everyone who put me up again this year: Annie, Setsuko, and Yasuko! I can’t
    193 wait to be back.</p>
    194 <h3 id="glossary">Glossary</h3>
    195 <ol>
    196 <li><em>Shichifukujin:</em> The seven gods of good luck.</li>
    197 <li><em>Onigiri:</em> Rice balls, often stuffed with pickled plum or fish.</li>
    198 <li><em>kaki-kori:</em> Shaved ice covered in flavoured syrup such as strawberry,
    199 blueberry, or green tea.</li>
    200 </ol>
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